Sex & Samfund

Research, Concept,
Branding, SoMe

This project was a group project by Maria N. Blicher and myself. It aims to give young women the confidence to speak about their wants and, needs and desires without feeling shame, in order to minimize the orgasm gap.

It is a fictional collaboration between Sex & Samfund (Sex & Society) and Sundhedsstyrelsen (The National Board of Health). It is primarily a social media campaign (TikTok, Instagram).

We spent a lot of time exploring the visuals of this project in order to try and figure out how to even visualize an orgasm, and to that end we conducted interviews but we also asked a lot of people to draw orgasms.

Want to get in touch?

My name is Anne and I'm a graphic designer from Denmark. I'm a creative nerd who loves branding and digital design. Currently looking for new opportunities!
Available for hire.